Horror Hill

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(Redirected from Panic at Horror Hill)
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Horror Hill is an upcoming PvE horror Game World in which 5 - 6 players team up to explore various spooky environments to complete a set of objectives while avoiding ghosts and other monsters.

Horror Hill seems to be the next planned Game World to be added, as evidenced by it being at the top of the Tower Unite roadmap's 'Next Up in Development' category. View Horror Hill's roadmap page here.


Not much is known about Horror Hill as active development has not yet been started on it and concrete details on it are yet to be revealed. However, it is known that the Game World will feature a team of 5/6 players (ghost hunters) who have to explore an area and hunt for clues while hunting AI-controlled ghosts, as well as other monsters, though what other monsters besides ghosts will appear is currently unknown. The ghosts will likely be invisible.

Some other things to note:

  • Horror Hill is described as being "very different" from existing Game Worlds, as it will not have a Ready Up screen or a HUD.[1][2]
  • Steam Workshop support for creating custom monsters is planned.[3]


Horror Hill's gameplay concept has changed since these inspirations were mentioned, so they may not have as much of an influence on the Game World's final gameplay.


Discord screenshots were taken from conversations on the official Tower Unite server with macdguy, one of the game's developers.


  • Horror Hill's original concept, as advertised in Tower Unite's Indiegogo campaign, was originally a competitive team-based game in which 4 players played as ghost hunters and the other 4 played as ghosts. The ghost hunters would be tasked with completing various objectives while the ghosts would try to stop them.
  • Horror Hill's name was originally Panic at Horror Hill, but was later changed, possibly because another Game World with Panic in the name already exists.
Game Worlds
General Features Game World PortsUpgradesWorkshop Map Editor
Game Worlds Ball RaceMinigolfVirusLittle CrusadersZombie MassacreAccelerateSlaughterday Night Live
Upcoming Game Worlds Horror HillPlanet Panic! • TBA Game World
  1. https://discord.com/channels/93925271886897152/868643125046956032/933904605732032583 "horror hill is very different from the other game worlds, you dont have the ready up screen for example" - macdguy, January 20, 2022
  2. https://discord.com/channels/93925271886897152/868643125046956032/933904721280897076 "there's no hud" - macdguy, January 20, 2022
  3. https://discord.com/channels/93925271886897152/868643125046956032/1154908055268507718 "
    1. create your own monsters is what i want" - macdguy, September 22, 2023
  4. https://forums.pixeltailgames.com/t/panic-at-horror-hill-ideas/1478/3