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There are two ways to chat with other players in Tower Unite; text chat and voice chat.

Text Chat

Text chat is one of the two ways to communicate with other players. To open chat, press Y by default (the chat should already be open on the main menu). The text chat has 4 sections.

Global Chat

Global Chat is a chat that allows players from any part of the game to talk to each other. This chat also shows messages sent in Local Chat (with a tag next to them), when someone hosts a Game World or condo, and when someone gets a jackpot at the Casino.

Local Chat

Local Chat only shows messages from players in the same server as you; this is the default chat mode. When you type in Local Chat, it only sends the message to other players in the same server. Local Chat also shows the locations of players in the server next to each message they post, if it's the Plaza or a condo.


Announcements only shows messages for when someone hosts a Game World or Condo server, or if an event occurs in the Plaza. You cannot send messages to Announcements.


Awards only shows when someone earns an achievement or gets a jackpot in the Casino. You cannot send messages to Awards.

Voice Chat

Voice chat is the second way to communicate to other players. To use voice chat, press and hold X and talk into your microphone.

Only nearby players on the same server as you can hear you while you're talking, and you can also disable hearing voice chat in the Audio settings, under Communication.

Chat Bans

If you violate any of the Global Chat's rules, you will be banned from using Global Chat and any forms of text or voice chat in Plaza servers. You will still be able to join Plazas, as well as chat in Game Worlds and Condos, except for the rare occurrence when that level of ban is deemed necessary by a moderator.

If you were banned and feel the ban was unfair or excessive, you can submit an appeal using this guide.

If you see someone violating one of the rules and wish to report them, click on their name in either text chat or the scoreboard (Tab) and click the Report button.